Friday, March 22, 2013

Cajóns we love loved: Sela Sevilla


Sela is an Austrian percussion company that has been making excellent cajóns for over ten years. Prior to 2013, they did not have a US distributor. I'm disappointed to report that their product line has been completely overhauled. Gone are the beautiful, sonorous professional models with the unique floral shaped portholes; they have all been replaced by more generic build-them-yourself cajón kits. The new higher end CaSela model looks nice, but gone are the exquisite bi-wood tapas, snare throw-off switches, and the distinctive signature ports. The CaSela looks comparable to a Schlagwerk 2inOne with a different, but similarly intended, cram-it-in-the hole-or-yank-it-out-the-same-way snare strainer.

The Sevilla model was a beautiful cajón with top quality materials and construction, a great snare mechanism, a unique floral shaped porthole, and great sound. I always planned for this to be my next cajón, but I never got around to ordering one. I wrongly assumed this popular model would be produced for a few years to come and I dallied hoping a US distributor would pick up the line.

CaSela 2013

The bad news is the Sevilla is dead. The good news is cajón virtuoso Paul Jennings now sells the new models in the USA. They look easy to assemble and they ship for free in their flattened, two-dimensional state.

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